We are a small group of volunteers whom strive to provide social activities for the residents of
Marina Bay. This page tries to document its history. Comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
Social Committee III
Mar 2023 After about a year, the social committee stops it's activities.
During that year the committee hosted many events such as a St-Valentine and St-Patrick's dinner,
see the facebook page
for some pictures, had weekly "Bean There Café", plus added a nice TV setup for movie night
in the party room. Thanks to Susan, Barb and Debbie, among others, for their dedicated work.
Jul 2022 A new Social Committee starts with it's first event on the Canada Day 2022,
including a bingo, Oh Canada! singing and a BBQ. With a great weather, the event was a great
success, and being finally able to meet in person after the long COVID-19 hiatus was much
Social Committee II
Jun 2022 After about two years, the social committee stops it's activities.
During its life span it held many events including international dinner, 50/50 draws,
tea/coffee Wednesday afternoons, and many more.
Jul 2021 First draft of the new Social Committee Charter created; first meeting of
the unofficial Social Committee
Social Committee I
Nov 2020 After 14 years and in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the social
club stops its activities. Over the years, members of the committee have come and gone but have
contributed greatly while part of the team. Events like the Exercise Club, Chess Club,
Tai Chi, Christmas Craft Sale, TGIF, Walking Club and New Years party have also gone
over the years but were enjoyed while available.
May 17, 2017 At the AGM we announced a change of name to Social Club
2015-2016 The Social Committee purchased all the furniture on the roof top patio. We
continue to cover it in the fall, set it up in the spring and replace locks that tether the
furniture as needed.
2010-2011 Upgrades to front lobby and party room were being considered by the Board
and Social Committee was asked to assist. We found an interior designer, Ta Da Interior, then found
vendors and chose furniture and decor for both areas based on recommendations of the designers
and budget available. At that time, the Social Committee contributed the pictures on the walls,
one of the round tables, the sofa table, one of the lamps and the wall clock.
Oct 17, 2009 Marina Bay 25th Anniversary Party - sponsored by Social Committee
Dec.8, 2007 First Christmas Sale
Oct 19, 2007 First Wine and Cheese
Jun 2007 First BBQ - continues each May, June, Aug., Sept.